Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More vacation pictures... ENJOY:-)

nice pic by the outhouses at RMNP... good lighting..

Tree by OUR cabin... Look closer....

Bear Scratches??????

Fishing all by ourselves on a gorgeous lake.. catch anything??? NOPE....

Stanley Steamer in RMNP

Adam going on the zip line... super fun!

gnarled tree...from flood of 1982 that made Alluvial Fan

Estes Park Ariel Tram... AWESOME!!!!

Hiking to the top of Bible Point... with Captain Awesome

Feeding ground squirrels... AKA chipmunks peanuts at the top of the Aerial Tram...

Sibling LOVE
Okay... more pics tomorrow... I think I took 1,000 or more

1 comment:

Julie said...

You took some great pictures! I love seeing them all and can tell you had a GREAT time. It does look like a great vacation spot and I hope we can go there. :-)