Thursday, March 19, 2009

Houston we have a problem!

Have you ever heard that Pyrex was invented by NASA? Well, it wasn't. It was invented by Eugene Cornelius Sullivan, while working as a chemist at Corning Glass on a project to reduce the breakage of railroad lantern globes and signal lenses from thermal shock. BUT NASA later picked up on it and used it as windows for the shuttle. Well with all of that said this mission would have fallen in the category of disastrous. I was standing in the kitchen and heard a loud pop and then a crash from my oven! That can never be good! It was a good thing that it was just my dinner and that pizza was just a phone call away. But that proved to be disastrous to my diet! I guess I just didn't come out a winner in this situation.


Julie said...

That is crazy! I've never heard of that happening!! Enjoy the rest of Spring Break with your kids and we'll see you soon!

The Boccias said...

I'm with my sister--never heard of that happening. Yum, pizza...

forever folding laundry said...

Thanks for coming over to visit my blog! I'm sorry about your dinner - wow, what a mess! Did you figure out how that happened??

Cute etsy shop, by the way. Mine is currently filled with hair clippies, too. =)


forever folding laundry said...

Hey there - I was just reading the article that Jess McClenahan linked to on her blog and you are quoted. Check it out:
