Thursday, March 12, 2009

I did it!

I made a blog! A little pressure from friends and I did it. I am trying to figure it all out so it may be awhile before it looks pretty, but in good time my friends. I plan on posting recipes, good deals, family happenings, fun times, and my creations. Here is a start, a look into our lives currently.

I'll start with Tyler he is now 8. He is in 2nd grade. He is a smart and wonderful little guy. He is a great big brother. He loves sports. In fact he just finished basketball and did really well. Here is a video of his first basket. Dad coached.

We'll see if I can do this if not I may need to take a lesson. Never mind, I cannot do it. I will have to get Adam involved in this venture.

Here is a picture of Tyler instead.

On to Leah, she is my little helper girl, although she is not ALWAYS enthusuastic about helping, she does it. She loves being a big sister, and loves her American Girl doll, Barbies, friends, gymnastics, and clothes. Although most of the time she is a girly girl, she can be found often in jeans and tees playing with the boys. She is in kindergarten and is getting the hang of reading. She is a sweet as she is sour. But we Love her and we are keeping her.

Turner...NuNer... What else can I say about him... HE is a HAM! This kid keeps us laughing, and the thing is that he does not try to be funny. He just says the FUNNIEST things. Hopefully I can use this as a way to write some of those things down so we can remember them. BUT don't laugh at Turner because he insists that he is NOT funny. He has the cutest dark brown eyes and everyday he is a new character, Batman is his current fav. He goes to Pre-school two days a week with Miss Mikki and Miss Courtney. He adores both of them. He loves stories and will laugh at all of them it is fun to see him get so into books.

Carly is the baby. She just turned ONE and I cannot believe it. She is a sweet and loving little thing. We have had quite the run with her. She was born with Erbs Palsy and we went through physical therapy and the issue has been resolved, no more symptoms and she now has full use of her right arm. The doctors thought for awhile that she may even have a muscle disease because she was very flimsy, and had low muscle tone, BUT she as proved them wrong. She is now walking and getting around everywhere all before 13 months. GOOD GIRL! She sure showed them! Her favorite things right now are mandarine oranges, bananas and "doggies" -also her favorite word! Here is a picture of our precious little girl.

Speaking of doggies. We have one of those too. We love her. Mer name is Macy and we often get asked what kind of dog she is. She is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. She is EXCELLENT with the kids and puts up with Carly. She is a great addition to our family.

I know that thesse are not the greatest pictures, I was working on our laptop and we save our pictures to and external drive on the basement. It appears that this blogging thing may have to take place when everyone is in bed. That is all for now. I will work on my blog appearance, and learing how to add buttons and cool stuff. For now, I am done. We will see where this takes me and I hope to actually get people to read this thing!


Julie said...

I'm so glad you started a blog! I always thought you needed one. :-) It was fun to read about each of your children. Can't wait to keep reading your blog!

Jules said...

Welcome! Great work for a first try. Here is a site with cute free templates if you want to cute this up.

The Moffats said...

Cute! So fun to see your family! Thank you for all your sweet comments on my blog - I love hearing from you. I so enjoyed meeting you while I was in are such a blessing, especially to Julie!

Julie R said...

WOW!! Now I know why I haven't got to talk to you on the phone! This is so cute!! Have a great Spring Break, talk to you when I get back into town!

The Boccias said...

Cute, Jen! I'm glad you're blogging! Looking forward to seeing more of your pictures and your new Etsy stuff. :)

The Boccias said...

Oh seem to know a lot of Julies!

Tasha said...

This is Jasha how come you being my neighbour I was able to jump over the fence to peep into your blog.It's amazing,Please visit my blog as well.I wonder whether my blog is next to you.If not follow the legal route. welcome again to follow the links in my blog.Have a nice day!