Monday, March 15, 2010

Carly at "Tunbatots" AKA Tumbletots

Carly's favorite day of the week is Wednesday.
She knows when it is, she wakes up and says
"I go kick. I go jump, jump. I go tunbatots."

Waiting in line to jump on the trampoline.
Hanging like a "montee" (monkey)

Ahh! So fun, the pit!

Could this smile seriously be any bigger?
I am going to be sad when it's no longer mommy and me classes. It is so fun to watch her grow!
I look at these pictures and can't believe that it's the same little baby who was born with Erb's Palsy. We were told she wouldn't have full use of her arms.... Way to prove them wrong Carly!


Megan Barber said...

Your baby is ADORABLE! Wish I could see all the kiddos!

Toddlin' with Timmy said...

What a sweetie and so happy!! My little ones love our little kids gym around here too!

Have a beautiful day!